On Wed Jun 19, the tiny comedy show returns to Kawa Espresso Bar with Headliner Scott Dumas, MC Josh Haskett, with comedy performances from Kelsey Funk, Warren Dean, Arv, Susan Serrao, Don Filipchuk, and surprise special guests! Reserved seating from 6:30pm, showtime 7:30pm.
Advance tickets $12.50 at Eventbrite, door tickets $15 cash (if not sold out).
Seating from 6:30pm, showtime 7:30pm.Limited seating, your advance ticket reserves your seat!
TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-tiny-comedy-show-at-kawa-espresso-bar-tickets-921267685447
Your Headliner Scott Dumas was the Winner of Alberta’s Search for Funniest New Comic in his first year of comedy, but was disqualified for going over his allotted time, by 26 seconds. “They wouldn’t stop laughing”, he says in defense. Scott has worked with accomplished comedians such as as Harland Williams, Tommy Chong, Emo Phillips, Mike MacDonald, Judah Friedlander, Ari Shaffir, and Gilbert Godfried. Scott is the creator of Friday Night Comedy at artsPlace in Canmore, a very successful monthly theatre show. He has appeared in numerous television commercials, as well as on FX network’s Fargo and Damnation.
Your MC Josh Haskett proves that big laughs come in small packages. With razor-sharp wit and a knack for clever observations, Josh takes audiences on a comedic rollercoaster ride they won't soon forget. His view from the beltline provides a twisted perspective.... from navigating the struggles of being vertically challenged to sharing hilarious anecdotes from his everyday life, Josh's comedy knows no bounds and is guaranteed to bring the audience to his level as he brings them to their knees in laughter.
Kawa Espresso Bar (www.kawaCalgary.ca) is located at 1333 8 St. SW, in the Calgary Beltline area south of downtown. Kawa offers an organic and authentic European coffee experience for all of your senses, with a variety of coffee selections, a full food menu, decadent desserts, and a wide selection of fine Wine and Beer! Free street parking after 6pm on 14 Ave SW.
K awaCalgary.ca
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